Three Forks, MT Wastewater Treatment Plant

A small community in central Montana
Three Forks, Montana
BOD, TSS, Ammonia treatment
LemTec™ Biological Treatment Process
The City of Three Forks, located in central Montana was faced with more stringent effluent requirements that included Ammonia limits. This can be a daunting task for any wastewater treatment system, especially those located in cold climates where nitrification is adversely affected by winter temperatures. Add in the potential cost of a new treatment plant and the expertise required to operate a complicated mechanical system, and many rural communities, like Three Forks, are faced with difficult and expensive options for meeting their treatment requirements.
Lemna Technologies’ unique LemTecTM Biological Treatment Process (LBTP), composed of a series of aerobic treatment cells and followed by a low-loaded settling zone for sludge storage was the answer to the City’s problem. The aerobic and anaerobic cells are covered by the LemTecTM Modular Cover System, a patented floating modular cover, which provides an insulated environment for heat retention and prevents algae growth by shielding sunlight. This warmer environment, along with the other components of the aerobic and anaerobic cells, provides conditions conducive to the removal of biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5), total suspended solids (TSS) and ammonia nitrogen (NH3). The LBTP is capable of delivering exceptional BOD, TSS and Ammonia treatment in a smaller footprint than a traditional lagoon at a lower cost than a traditional package plant. The Lemna Polishing Reactor (LPR) follows the settling cell and provides additional BOD and Ammonia Treatment.
The LBTP installed in Three Forks is an effective, reliable, and affordable aerated lagoon based biological treatment process capable of achieving year-round effluent limits as low as 10 mg/l BOD, 10 mg/l TSS and 2 mg/l NH3-N at a fraction of the cost of a mechanical system. With a reduced footprint, a process that is extremely reliable, and simple to operate, the LBTP is the highest performance pond-based package in the world and offers numerous advantages over other systems, including lower capital and operating costs, expandability and low maintenance.

Let’s Get Started
We are happy to help and look forward to hearing from you. Please contact us with any questions or inquiries.