Glasgow Wastewater Treatment Plant – Glasgow, MT
The City of Glasgow, located in central Montana, was faced with more stringent effluent requirements that included Ammonia limits.
Learn more about {{ post.title }}LET delivers a low-cost, reliable phosphorus removal system to meet stringent effluent limits.
The LemTec™ Phosphorus Removal System employs a chemical dosing system, low horsepower pumps and durable mixers to achieve guaranteed results in the most efficient and cost effective way possible. This well-established and proprietary technology was developed by LET for our municipal and industrial clients as a guaranteed solution able to achieve low phosphorus levels economically and with minimal maintenance required. With the addition of coagulants such as alum or ferric chloride, precipitates are formed that can then be removed along with waste biological sludge to ensure our customers’ effluent wastewater meets regulatory effluent T(P) limits of 1 mg/l.
Each LET wastewater treatment process and related technology, including the LET Phosphorus Removal System, is custom designed and integrated into treatment processes with our Advanced Integrated Lagoon Technologies (AILT) approach. The AILT approach allows us to integrate cutting edge technologies, such as our sand filter, in combination with over 30 years’ proven experience to deliver guaranteed results that meet each of our clients’ unique needs.
LET’s Phosphorus Removal System is a proven, effective treatment process that can prevent the damage and devastation this nutrient causes if not removed from the effluent prior to leaving a facility. Because phosphorus is a plant nutrient, it can trigger algal blooms that deplete receiving waters of oxygen, killing aquatic life. In surface waters, algal blooms cause various detrimental impacts to fish and other organisms. Algal blooms also impact the source water quality for drinking water facilities, which can corrode water pipes and leave drinking water too dangerous for consumption. LET’s innovative phosphorus removal technology delivers maximum treatment as simply and efficiently as possible to ensure effluent limits are met and receiving waters are safe.
LET phosphorus removal technologies can be integrated into the larger design of a full LET biological treatment process, or implemented as a stand-alone technology. Our easy-to-operate phosphorus removal system employs a dosing panel and automatic chemical feed system to add liquid co-precipitation chemicals to the wastewater upon its arrival in the technology’s rapid mix zone. Once the rapid mixing of the water has achieved optimum efficacy, the dissolved or suspended contaminants travel as solid floc particles to then settle out of the solution in the flocculation zone at the front end of the settling pond. The settled contaminants can then be removed simply and easily along with the waste biological sludge without requiring extra steps or effort. This LET technology delivers unparalleled removal of phosphorus to ensure our clients’ effluent meets regulatory requirements without the use of mechanical clarification or tertiary filtration.
LET is committed to continuously advancing wastewater treatment processes and technologies, including the LemTec™ Phosphorus Removal System. We do this by continuously improving and expanding upon our treatment designs and service offerings. Our “Circle of Innovation” philosophy ensures that the needs of our clients are met efficiently, effectively and cost-consciously as we work together with our municipal and industrial clients, protecting water resources now and for future generations.
“Since installation, we have noticed excellent odor control, algae control and our effluent test levels are remarkable. To encourage the choice of Lemna Environmental Technologies products, we welcome anyone interested to tour our facilities and/or review our weekly test results.”
J.R., Iowa – LET Client
The City of Glasgow, located in central Montana, was faced with more stringent effluent requirements that included Ammonia limits.
Learn more about {{ post.title }}LemTec™ Cover solutions provide a simple method of controlling algae growth without the need for complicated equipment or chemicals.
Learn more about {{ post.title }}The LemTec™ Biological Treatment Process optimizes BOD removal to meet limits previously thought unattainable in aerated lagoon facilities.
Learn more about {{ post.title }}LET has a number of innovative and low-maintenance cover solutions for municipal and industrial clients to address a variety of odor control/reduction applications.
Learn more about {{ post.title }}The LET system for phosphorus removal addresses the significant issues caused by high levels of phosphorus in the water supply.
Learn more about {{ post.title }}LET utilizes a variety of advanced integrated lagoon technologies to ensure that the least amount of excess sludge and sludge build-up occurs.
Learn more about {{ post.title }}The innovative LemTec™ modular cover system provides the ultimate solution for TSS removal in the wastewater treatment process.
Learn more about {{ post.title }}LET’s cover system provides a sturdy, thick layer of protection reducing the attraction of birds and limiting access to other wildlife as well.
Learn more about {{ post.title }}The LemTec™ Biological Treatment Process simplifies ammonia treatment. We have several proven methods to remove Ammonia Nitrogen (NH3-N).
Learn more about {{ post.title }}We are happy to help and look forward to hearing from you. Please contact us with any questions or inquiries.