Sierra Nevada Brewing Company – Ashville, North Carolina
The brewer was looking for new ways to achieve environmental sustainability. turned to LET to help capture gas from an anaerobic digester.
Learn more about {{ post.title }}Integrating Lagoon Technologies to Solve Every Treatment Challenge from Influent to Effluent
Nitrate-nitrogen (NO3) is converted to nitrogen gas biologically in a low-oxygen (anoxic) environment when nitrogen gas escapes out of wastewater into the atmosphere. An excess of nitrogen can cause increased plankton growth and triggers algae blooms. Algae then causes a range of issues that impair wastewater treatment efficacy and efficiency, ultimately unable to meet increasingly stringent wastewater treatment requirements. By causing an increase in BOD and TSS of effluent, final effluent limits are unable to be met. In addition, issues such as an increase in odor requires an optimized and comprehensive solution.
Following the LPR, denitrification is accomplished via carbon addition and filtration. The LemTec up-flow sand filter consists of in‐ground up‐flow biologically active filters and modular components that can be sized to meet the project’s requirements. Carbon enhancement is accomplished by introducing a soluble carbon source into the wastewater ahead of the filter. Bacteria metabolize the carbonaceous material in the wastewater as their food source, and consume the oxygen in the nitrate, releasing nitrogen gas into the air.
Expertise as a leader in this industry for 40+ years, an arsenal of cutting-edge technologies and a groundbreaking approach set LET apart by delivering optimized solutions for wastewater applications including Denitrification to meet clients’ objectives efficiently and cost-effectively.
We maximize LET’s innovative technologies as stand-alone solutions or use the Advanced Integrated Lagoon Technologies (AILT) approach to design and create the best process with technologies integrated as components that successfully meet every challenge from influent to effluent.
The brewer was looking for new ways to achieve environmental sustainability. turned to LET to help capture gas from an anaerobic digester.
Learn more about {{ post.title }}A dairy operation in Pennsylvania were looking for a cover on a 100′ diameter tank that would control odors and operate reliably.
Learn more about {{ post.title }}The Austin Straubel International Airport required a new cover for its storage pond, which is used for deicing and storm water retention.
Learn more about {{ post.title }}LET Aeration Technologies promote biological oxidation and ensure that all water and microorganisms come into contact with oxygen, delivering maximum…
Learn more about {{ post.title }}This submerged, attached-growth media technology from LET is able to establish a stabilized, predictive environment for effective tertiary treatment whether…
Learn more about {{ post.title }}LET’s MBBR Process maximizes wastewater treatment capacity while minimizing size, cost and operator requirements.
Learn more about {{ post.title }}LET delivers a low-cost, reliable phosphorus removal system to meet stringent effluent limits.
Learn more about {{ post.title }}The LemTec up-flow sand filter consists of in‐ground up‐flow biologically active filters and modular components that can be sized to meet the project’s requirements.
Learn more about {{ post.title }}Custom designed to fit all shapes and sizes of lagoons, basins or tanks, LET’s modular insulated covers are easy to…
Learn more about {{ post.title }}With this granular media filtration system, LET delivers the best tertiary filtration for efficient nutrient removal, continuously operating without a…
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